JCM Blog, Welcome


One step outside and you can’t help but feel that fall has arrived. A soft breeze, slight chill in the air, brilliant colors and that familiar scent. For lovers of nature, the fall season is eagerly embraced in the Northwoods. Time to dig out the flannels, warm socks, and your favorite hiking boots. New challenges and delights abound.

My name is Julie Chapman and I compose piano solos, best classified as neoclassical compositions. It’s my hope that through the JCM BLOG you will get to know me and the sources of inspiration for my songs. The Northwoods experience, while wonderful alone, is even more meaningful when shared with the like-minded. 

After reflecting on the vision for this blog, it became clear that the scope of potential topics is wide - anywhere from the elements of nature to those of music. As I conceive it, the first compilation of blogs will feature each of the twelve songs on my album, Homage to the Northwoods. Subsequent posts will include creative expressions highlighting various intriguing facets of nature. You will encounter photos,  poetry, field recordings, visual art, videos, interviews, and other creative elements.

It’s my sincere wish that you, the listener, connect with my music in your own unique way; ideally, to make it yours. By sharing my experience I hope to awaken new experiences within each of you. 

A heartfelt thank you for your interest in Homage to the Northwoods. 



JCM Blog, Gavia Immer