JCM Blog - The Loon Ranger
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

JCM Blog - The Loon Ranger

So just what is a Loon Ranger? I would be remiss if I didn’t say it for all of us. When you hear Loon Ranger, most likely the image that comes to mind is of The Lone Ranger, as in “Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!” And, if you are a Loon Ranger, you better be prepared for some teasing followed by a not-so-great rendition of the William Tell overture . . .

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JCM Blog, Gavia Immer
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

JCM Blog, Gavia Immer

Before I jump into today’s topic, let me thank you for the “likes” and “follows” you’ve generously offered on my JCM social media accounts. . .

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JCM Blog, Welcome
Julie Chapman Julie Chapman

JCM Blog, Welcome

One step outside and you can’t help but feel that fall has arrived. A soft breeze, slight chill in the air, brilliant colors and that familiar scent. . .

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